Attain Online Japanese for JLPT 日本語能力試験(JLPT)対策コース

※1,518 yen on the purchase page is the price which includes 10% sales tax of 1,380 yen.  




For credit card payments, MasterCard, VISA, American Express,JCB issued in your name is accepted.

Rakuten credit card and UnionPay cannot be used.


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Attain Online Japanese  for JLPT
Attain Online Japanese for JLPT

Would you like to study Japanese? "Attain Online Japanese" is an unlimited viewing website for Japanese learning. With our monthly payment plan, you can freely access to all contents that our corporation has produced till now, including JLPT learning materials (videos, PDF textbooks), Japanese learning materials from elementary level to advanced level, mock exams and Japanese business etiquettes learning materials. Access to all contents with 1,518yen per month! You can also watch the sample videos in each course page.

Courses Included with Purchase

010-Online Japanese Beginner Course(All 12 lessons)
Elementary Japanese for non-Japanese Beginner Course (All 12 lessons)
Online Japanese Beginner Course(All 12 lessons)
020- Online Japanese Hiragana and Katakana Stroke Order
Online Japanese Hiragana and Katakana Stroke Ord
030-Online Japanese Kanji Character Course(All 9 lessons)
Online Japanese Kanji Character Course
040-Online Japanese N5 Kanji Character Stroke Order
Online Japanese N5 Kanji Character Stroke Order
050-Online Japanese N5 Course(All 15 lessons)
Online Japanese N5 Course(All 15 lessons)
060-Online Japanese JLPT N5 Comprehensive Exercise
Online Japanese JLPT N5 Comprehensive Exercise
070-Online Japanese JLPT N5 Mock Examination(All 3 sets)
Online Japanese JLPT N5 Mock Examination
080-Online Japanese N4 Course(All 15 lessons)
Online Japanese N4 Course(All 15 lessons)
090-Online Japanese JLPT N4 Comprehensive Exercise
Online Japanese JLPT N4 Comprehensive Exercise
100-Online Japanese JLPT N4 Mock Examination(All 3 sets)
Online Japanese JLPT N4 Mock Examination
105-Online Japanese N4 Kanji Character Course(All 14 lessons)
Online Japanese N4 Kanji Character Course
Online Japanese N4 Kanji Character Course
110-Online Japanese N3 Course(All 10 lessons)
Online Japanese N3 Course(All 10 lessons)
120-Online Japanese JLPT N3 Comprehensive Exercise
Online Japanese JLPT N3 Comprehensive Exercise
130-Online Japanese JLPT N3 Mock Examination(All 3 sets)
Online Japanese JLPT N3 Mock Examination
140-Online Japanese N2 Course(All 10 lessons)
Online Japanese N2 Course(All 10 lessons)
150-Online Japanese JLPT N2 Comprehensive Exercise
Online Japanese JLPT N2 Comprehensive Exercise
160-Online Japanese JLPT N2 Mock Examination(All 3 sets)
Online Japanese JLPT N2 Mock Examination
170-Online Japanese N1 Course(All 10 lessons)
Online Japanese N1 Course(All 10 lessons)
180-Online Japanese JLPT N1 Comprehensive Exercise
Online Japanese JLPT N1 Comprehensive Exercise
190-Online Japanese JLPT N1 Mock Examination(All 3 sets)
Online Japanese JLPT N1 Mock Examination
200-Business Japanese Course for Beginners(All 15 Lessons)
Business Japanese Course for Beginners
210-Immediately Useful! Japanese Business Etiquette
Immediately Useful! Japanese Business Etiquette
220-Online Japanese Pronunciation Basics(Pronunciation of hiragana and katakana and accent)
Online Japanese Pronunciation Basics(Pronunciation of hiragana and katakana and accent)
Online Japanese Pronunciation Basics
000-絵カードで学ぶはじめての日本語 The first Japanese to learn with a picture card
Online Japanese N3 Kanji Character Course(All 31 l
106-Online Japanese N3 Kanji Character Course(All 31 lessons)
Online Japanese N3 Kanji Character Course(All 31 l

Original Price: ¥0

購入手続きガイド:Purchase Guide:

1.購入ページ真ん中にある[Enroll Now]のボタンを押します。
Click “Enroll Now” button at the middle of the purchase page.

2.Sign Up to Attain Online Japanese ページが表示されます。
The page of “Sign Up to Attain Online Japanese” is displayed.
Teachableのアカウントをお持ちでない方は、[Full Name],[Email Address],[Password],[Confirm Password]を入力してください。
If you don’t have Teachable Account, please sigh up by entering “Full Name”, “Email Address”, “Password” and “Confirm Password”.

[私はロボットではありません]にチェックを入れ、指示された画像を選択後、[確認]ボタンを押します。規約にチェックを入れ、[Sign Up]ボタンを押します。
Check the box of “I am not a robot”, click the “Confirm” button after selecting the picture which is instructed. Check the box of Terms, and click “Sign Up” button.

※すでにTeachableのアカウントをお持ちの方は、右下[Log in with Myteachable]をクリックして先に進んでください。
If you already have the Teachable Account, please click “Log in with Myteachable” at the bottom right of the screen.

3.確認用のメールが登録したアドレスに送られてきますので、[Confirm Email]を押して、アカウントを有効化してください。
The confirmation email will be sent to the email you registered, please click “Confirm Email” to activate your account.

4.Enroll in Course for ¥1,518(Including tax)/monthと出てきますのでクリックします。
Click “Enroll in Course for ¥1,518(Including tax)/month”.

5. クレジットカード情報、国、ポストコードを入力し、規約にチェックを入れて、[Enroll Course]をクリックすると、購入完了です。
Enter your credit card information, country, and postal code, check the box of Terms, then click “Enroll Course”. Your purchase is completed.



For credit card payments, MasterCard, VISA, American Express,JCBissued in your name is accepted.

Rakuten credit card and UnionPay cannot be used.

Enter your ID and Password by clicking “Login” at the upper right of the purchase page at the next login.

パスワードを忘れた場合:If you forgot password:

Click “Login” at the upper-right of the purchase page.

2.[Log In]の下に[Forgot Password ?]をクリックします。
Click “Forget Password?” located under the “Log in” button.

3.登録したメールアドレスを入力し、[Send Me Instructions]をクリックします。
Enter the email you registered and click “Send Me Instructions”.

An email is sent. Please follow the instruction of the email to reset your password.

月額課金をやめる場合:Cancel your subscription:

After logging in, click the logo at the upper-right of the screen.

2.[Manage Subscriptions]をクリックします。
Click “Manage Subscriptions”.

Click “Cancel” button in “Actions”, then your monthly subscription ends.
※The videos cannot be watched any more after the end of your purchased current plan.

Attainに質問がある場合:If you have questions to ask Attain:

After logging in, click the logo at the upper-right of the screen.

Select “Contact”.

Enter the content into “Subject” and “Message” on the “Contact” page.

Click “Send”.

After receiving the message, Attain will answer your questions. Please note that there are some questions we may not be responsible to answer.

Frequently Asked Questions

When does the course start and finish? このコースはいつ開始と終了しますか。
The course starts now and never ends! It is a completely self-paced online course - you decide when you start and when you finish. このコースは今無期限に公開しております。自分のペースで受講するオンラインコースなので、自分で受講の開始日と終了日を決めます。
How long do I have access to the course? 受講期間はいつまでですか。
This is a monthly subscription service. You have unlimited access to our courses for as long as you like during the month license you purchased, across any and all devices you own. こちらは月額定額制サブスクリプションサービスです。ご購入いただいた期間で無制限に受講することができます。スマートフオン、PCやタブレット端末で利用可能です。
What is the study order for the main course? メインコースの学習順番は何ですか。
The best study order for our courses is as following: Online Japanese Beginner Course→ Online Japanese N5 Kanji Character Course→ Online Japanese N5 Course You can also start kanji course and N5 course at the same time, there is no problem. After N5 Course, you can take Online Japanese course from N4 to N1 in order. 一番薦められる学習順番は下記です。 Online Japanese Beginner Course → Online Japanese N5 Kanji Character Course → Online Japanese N5 Course 漢字コースとN5コースを同時に習得することが可能です。N5コース以降は、N4コースからN1コースまで順番に受けてください。

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