T-002 第2課 日本語の発音 Lesson 2 Japanese Pronunciation

Your Instructor

池田 悠子 Yuko Ikeda
池田 悠子 Yuko Ikeda


内容は3部に分かれており、「CV構造 母音と子音カ行~ザ行」、「CV構造 子音タ行~ワ行」、「特殊構造」について解説します。


This is lesson 2 “Japanese Pronunciation”.

This lesson is divided into 3 parts:“the CV structure–vowels and consonants of the カ row to ザ row”,“the CV structure–consonants of theタrow toワ row”and“special structures”.

The instructor is Ms. Yuko Ikeda. A prior learning textbook and a supplementary reader is attached. You can print them and use it for preparation and review.

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